Food Services

Margaretta High and Middle School Lunch - $3.10
Margaretta High and Middle School Breakfast - $1.50

Margaretta Elementary School Lunch - $2.70
Margaretta Elementary School Breakfast - $1.50

Reduced Lunch - $.40 (must qualify)
Reduced Breakfast - $.30 (must qualify)
Adult Meals - $4.50

Extra Milk - $.50


Breakfast is offered to all students in Margaretta Local Schools. The cost of breakfast is $1.50. If you are a student that receives free or reduced priced lunches, those same benefits apply for breakfast. Reduced price breakfast is .30 and students eligible for free meals will receive both lunch and breakfast at no charge. Breakfast is served each morning in the school's cafeteria before classes begin.




Applications for free and reduced price meals are available via PaySchools at  The PaySchools Central parent portal is accessible and available 24/7 on the website or mobile app.  The app is available to both Apple and Andriod users.  The application can be completed online once the parent/guardian has registered for an account. The student ID number will be needed to link the student to the parent/guardian account.  The ID numbers can be obtained from either building secretary, board office, or by contacting the Food Service Director, Carrie Keller.  Applications must be submitted every year to continue with this program.  If the application is approved, your student(s) will begin to receive or continue to receive free or reduced priced meals from the date of approval.  When the application is completed online the parent/guardian will receive an email notifying the submitter the determination of the application.  Applications can be submitted at any time during the school year should family financial circumstances change.  All information submitted to the school is kept confidential.  There is no discrimination or identification of free or reduced price paying students.  We strongly suggest all families to consider completing the application.  

Need further assistance with registering for a PaySchools account?  Click here


The Food Service Department provides both breakfast and lunch at Margaretta Middle/High School and Margaretta Elementary.  Our food service program provides wholesome, nutritious meals while keeping in mind students preferences.  We strive to continually introduce new food items that students may find fun and nutritious.  Whole grains along with fresh fruits and vegetables are among the many choices offered to students every day for breakfast and lunch.  The goal is to serve a wholesome, nutritious meal everyday to every student at a moderate cost and the smiles are free!


Our schools have a computerized Point of Sale system called PaySchools.  Each student has his or her own PIN number that is associated with their school meal account.  Students may still bring cash or check to school for payment on their account, but allows parents/guardians to add funds to their students account online via a checking account, credit or debit card. This system allows for a detailed audit trail of all transactions. If payment is sent to the school via check, please make the check payable to Margaretta Schools and have the students name and amount allocation in the memo line.   Meal account credit balances carry over from year to year and building to building.  Please contact the school cashier or the Food Service office should you have specific questions or concerns.


Funds can be added to student lunch accounts, and school fees can be paid online via checking account or debit/credit card using your Payschoolscentral account.  The fee structure is as follows:

1.  All checking account transactions have a flat $1.75 fee regardless of amount.
2.  School fees paid by debit or credit card have a 4.5% convenience charge.
3.  Lunch account payments have a convenience charge based on the transaction amount:
$0-24.99       - fee is $1.65
$25-49.99     - fee is $2.00
$50 or more  - fee is 4.5%


I. Lunch Charge Policy 

Cafeteria policy for students limits students to $25.00 in charged meals.  Communication is sent home to the parent/guardian via email/mail.  After $25 of meals are charged and their accounts have a negative balance, the students will not receive the published lunch.  Should the student continue to come to the cafeteria and attempt to charge meals and not have cash in hand for up to 3 days past the account balance going negative then the Food Service Director will reach out to the building Principal and a call home will be made.  Margaretta Administration reserves the right to contact Children’s Services should a student not have money accessible on the account to purchase a meal, when the student is not sent with funds to otherwise do so, or sent with a packed meal from home.  Students with any negative amount are not allowed to charge a la carte items, including milk.  

II. Blocks on Accounts

A parent may call or email the school cafeteria of the Food Service Director to place a block on their child’s account to prohibit the purchase of a la carte items.  

III. Checks Returned for NonSufficient Funds

When a check is returned to the Treasurer’s Office for NSF, the parent will be notified by phone call or email and the amount plus an NSF fee will be reversed from the student’s lunch account.  Payment for the NSF check must be in the form of cash, cashier’s check, or money order.  Payment must be received within ten (10) days of the notification.  If payment is not received, the account will be turned over to a collection agency.

IV. Refunds

Withdrawn Student - For any student who is withdrawn, a written request for a refund of any money remaining in their account must be submitted.  An email request is also acceptable.

V.  Balances Owed at the End of Year

All accounts are to be paid in full at the end of every school year.  Communications take place consistently throughout the school year and with the online accessibility to PaySchools a parent/guardian is responsible for playing a more active role in being aware and consistent in placing funds into the students meal account.  

VI. Unclaimed Funds

All refunds must be requested within one year.  Unclaimed funds will then become the property of the Margaretta Local Schools food service department.

Food Services Information

Mrs. Carrie Keller
Food Services Director


School Lunch We participate in the Farm to School Program where farm-fresh foods are incorporated into ur schools' menus. Thank you to our local farmers who participate. We also celebrate our state with an All Ohio Day menu where all foods offered that day for lunch are products of Ohio.
© 2025. Margaretta Local School District.
All Rights Reserved.